422 E Vermijo Ave, #314

Colo Spgs, CO 80903

719 345 2300


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How do we help the community?

100% of net profits go to nonprofits

Net profits to nonprofits

100% of our net profits go to local community nonproftis

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Charitable Partners

We partner with nonprofits to reach those in need

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Award-winning Realtors

Experienced realtors make buying and selling a breeze

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Dedication to Purpose

Clear objectives of quality real estate to help our community

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100% of the net profits of Buy Sell Impact, Inc. directly support the missions of our local non-profit shareholders. So anytime you buy or sell real estate using this brokerage, you support them!

You’ll receive the same personalized attention to help you buy or sell real estate in the Pikes Peak region for the same cost as using most other brokerage firms in the area AND a portion of those costs benefit others. It’s a win-win situation!

Contact us today to learn more.